Dating during pregnancy

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You need to make sure you can social them before you even consider letting them care for your baby with you. We follow the same process in the third trimester, with a three-week difference. A possible side effect is low blood counts during delivery, which can increase risk of infection. This is because some pan symptoms, such as bloating, headaches, breast changes, or rectal bleeding, are also common during pregnancy. Initially you must put your needs first. They're also at high risk for depression and many other psychological and behavioral problems. Retrieved 12 May 2015.

Cancer during pregnancy is uncommon. But when it does occur, it can be complicated for the mother and the health care team. Cancer itself rarely affects the growing baby directly. But doctors must be selective about how they diagnose and treat pregnant women with cancer. Therefore, it is important to find a health care team who has experience treating cancer in pregnant women. Types of cancers that occur during pregnancy is the most common cancer diagnosed during pregnancy. It affects about 1 in 3,000 women who are pregnant. Breasts typically enlarge and change texture during pregnancy. So changes from cancer may be difficult to detect. Or the breast changes may not appear to be abnormal. This means pregnant women with breast cancer may be diagnosed later than women who are not pregnant. This is because some cancer symptoms, such as bloating, headaches, breast changes, or rectal bleeding, are also common during pregnancy. But pregnancy can sometimes uncover cancer. For example, a Pap test done as part of standard pregnancy care can find cervical cancer. And an ultrasound performed during pregnancy could find ovarian cancer. Some diagnostic tests for cancer are safe for pregnant women and the fetus. Research shows that the level of radiation in diagnostic x-rays is too low to harm the fetus. When possible, women can use a lead shield that covers the abdomen during x-rays. They can diagnose cancer or show whether the cancer has spread. CT scans of the head or chest are usually safe during pregnancy. This is because they do not directly expose the fetus to radiation. When possible, women can use a lead shield that covers the abdomen during CT scans. CT scans of the abdomen or pelvis should be done only if absolutely necessary and after talking with your health care team. Cancer treatment during pregnancy Planning treatment during pregnancy requires a multidisciplinary team of doctors working together. This includes cancer doctors and high-risk obstetricians. An obstetrician is a doctor who cares for a woman during and shortly after pregnancy. Sometimes doctors choose to delay or avoid certain treatments for pregnant women with cancer. So the health care team may delay treatment until the second or third trimesters. And health care providers generally avoid using these treatments during pregnancy. For example, uses high-energy x-rays to destroy cancer cells. The risks to the developing baby depend on the radiation dose and the area of the body being treated. During , doctors remove the tumor and some of the surrounding healthy tissue. This poses little risk to the growing baby. It is also considered the safest cancer treatment during all stages of pregnancy. Doctors use to destroy cancer cells. This is when the fetus's organs are still growing. The placenta acts as a barrier between the woman and the baby, so some drugs cannot pass through. Other drugs can pass through only in small amounts. This may indirectly harm the baby. A possible side effect is low blood counts during delivery, which can increase risk of infection. But it is preferred to continue the pregnancy until natural labor and delivery occurs. Babies born early may have a higher risk of health problems than babies born at term who are exposed to chemotherapy. Chemotherapy can transfer to the infant through breast milk. How pregnancy affects cancer risks Pregnancy itself does not appear to affect how well the cancer treatment works. But if a woman's diagnosis or treatment is delayed due to pregnancy, the cancer may have a larger effect. And this may lead to more risks associated with the cancer. Talk with your health care team about how pregnancy may affect your cancer risk and recovery from therapy. Related Resources More Information.

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